Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello all my Lil Beauties,
Its that wonderful time of year, where everyone is spreading holiday cheer and love. I wanted to take this time to recap the year and to give thanks to everyone who supports NP Beauty.

This year has been full of ups and downs. I have worked with many new people and made new relationships in business. I have also learned that unfortunately everyone who is in your corner is not for you. You have to take care of your brand at the end of the day, no one is going to do it for you. Believe in yourself and go for your dreams, "nothing beats a failure but a try." I live by that, how will you know if you can achieve something if you never try? Whats the worse that could happen? Someone tells you no and slams the door in your face, well create your own door to walk through.

My New years Resolution for 2014 is to continue to build my brand and work with new people. I want to be able to hold my makeup classes at least every other month for upcoming artist and everyday when who just want to learn to apply their makeup. I hope to be able to continue to teach and inspire other people to follow their dreams.

I just wanna say again thank you to everyone who has ever worked with NP Beauty and supports what I do. I wouldn't be here without the support of fans and clients.

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