Monday, September 21, 2015

A Fresh Start

I started this blog in 2013 with a mission to inform women about products & topics in the beauty industry. It's been over a year since my last post, how time got away from me I have no idea. It happens all the time, we start projects and before we know it we have took on more than we can handle. Life happens, school happens, you move and before you know it your getting married. How do you find the balance? Well I decided to start fresh and show many women how I was able to declutter my life. I won't stop posting about makeup, but I'll be posting about everything under the sun from relationships to best cleansers. 

My only goal is that I can pass my knowledge to others and educate at least one person. Yes just one, I'm not aiming to have 3,000+ plus people reading my blog. I'm just want to reach that one person and if I reach more it's a bonus. I love what I do but I'm starting to feel like I'm loosing that love some days. I've been doing makeup artistry for 6yrs now and it always brought me great pleasure to make women feel great on the inside. I want to share with you things that I do to self motivate and make myself feel great on the inside. I hope you all join me on this fresh start. 

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