Monday, September 9, 2013

A Closer look.

Hey Guys,
When people hear my story they always tell me I should share it with others, because I never know who I might help or motive just by telling my story, so here goes...

Many of you know me as a freelance makeup artist, but there is more to me than what meets the eye. I suffer from chronic kidney disease. I was diagnosed with kidney disease over 5 years ago. Now at the age of 25 and in Stage 4 (the last stage before dialysis) this could be debilitating. For many this would be very depressing but being a makeup artist is therapeutic to me. I created NP Beauty (Natalie Patrice Beauty) to inspire all women. I wanted to show people that despite suffering from an illness you can still follow your dreams. I try every day to empower and uplift women by showing them that just because they may be feeling bad, or have whatever life stresses going on, no one should be able to tell when they look at you. 

I always said when I make it I will give back to my community, but then I thought why wait? I will be offering women like myself, with kidney disease, a special discount for makeup services. One of my biggest goals is to hold seminars educating women not just about the disease, but proper makeup techniques as well. I'm currently accepting donations for this cause. I service all women whether they have kidney disease or not. I will continue to work towards being the best professional makeup artist I can through my struggles. So everyone out there if you have a dream go for it, no matter what the situation. Only we can stop ourselves from achieving success.

For more information or to make donations to the cause please check out the following: 

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