Its says to folks your a professional when you have a site, people can see the quality of your work, learn a little about who you are as a person, and decide if your someone they would want to do business with. I cant stress enough how HUGE the quality of your site means for your business. I understand not everyone has the money to invest in a top quality site, but have a starting point and build on it. Just think, would you think to buy clothes from a website and half the images don't load, and you click on the links but they don't work, no right? So why no invest in the quality of your site? I just had my whole site redone and it was well worth it.
I guarantee you the better the quality of your work and site, the more money you will make. Its all about how you display yourself to the world. Your site should be easy to follow, and show off your specific set of skills that you have. If someone goes to your site and they still have to ask you "what do you do?" You might wanna go back and revamp your site.
Be creative, have fun with it, this is your way to introduce yourself to the world. Show people how unique and different you are from everyone else. Always remember "Quality over Quantity"